
What are the benefits of a Brain Tonic

May 8, 2021 | By:

What are the benefits of a Brain Tonic

1.1. The role of the brain

  • The brain is the controlling organ that controls all the activities of our body.
  • In the brain, there are billions of nerve cells for receiving, processing, and giving commands.
  • The brain is active and accounts for more than 20% of the body's calories.
  • The brain always has the highest nutritional requirements. Especially for people who are mentally active, thinking a lot, the more energy it takes.

1.2. Mechanism of action of the brain tonic
Based on the role and activity of the brain, current brain tonics are formulated by:


  • Enhances cerebral circulation capacity. The goal is to help blood circulate to the brain, provide nutrients and oxygen to the brain better.
  • Supports sedative abilities, relieves stress, and anxiety. Especially for those who work a lot, tired ...
  • Besides, some of these supplements also help improve sleep, reduce vestibular disorders.

2. What are the compounds of brain tonic?
Here are some of the substances found in these supplements.

  • Ginkgo biloba: This is extracted from the leaves of the Ginkgo tree. Ginkgo biloba works to improve blood circulation, improve and enhance memory, fight free radicals and stabilize meninges.


  • Citicoline: This substance has the ability to fight brain damage, enhance the function of nerve conduction. People who want to enhance memory should use drugs with this substance.


  • Blueberry: This type of substance is extracted a lot from blueberries and is used in the most tonic for the brain. This substance fights free radicals, helps in reducing nerve degeneration, stroke and brain cancer.
  • Vitamins: Vitamin B6, Vitamin B5, vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2 ... have the effect of improving memory, enhancing vitality for the brain.