

April 1, 2021 | By:


Vitamins and minerals are essential substances of the body, participating in cell structure, energy supply metabolism as well as all living activities of the body.

1. What is the cause of vitamin deficiency?

- Insufficient food ingredients.

- Providing vitamins that do not meet the correct age or needs of the body.

- After taking antibiotics, some intestinal bacteria are destroyed, affecting the vitamin synthesis process.

- Due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract leading to decreased or not absorbed vitamins.

- Other causes: due to lack of genetic enzymes, lack of internal factors, due to drug use, ...

2. Causes of excess vitamins in the body

- Excess vitamins commonly found in the group of oil-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin D. The water-soluble vitamins are less redundant because they are eliminated quickly, without causing accumulation.

- Vitamin excess due to abuse of vitamin supplements.

- Overeating foods containing vitamins in oil.

Vitamins are important for the body but that doesn't mean get as many vitamins as possible. The excess or lack of vitamins causes the body's diseases to affect health.


3. What is the role of vitamins and minerals in the body?

Vitamins are organic compounds that the body cannot synthesize, most of which must be obtained from the outside through the daily use of foods. Vitamins exist in the body in small amounts but play an important role in maintaining the life as well as the living activities of the body.


* The role of vitamins in the body:

+ It is one of the essential components that make up cells, essential for the growth and maintenance of cells.

+ Strengthens the body's immune system.

+ Participates in the metabolism of substances.

+ Participates in the regulation of heart activity with the nervous system.

+ Participate in support for the treatment of diseases of the body, enhance the health of the body.

+ Vitamins in the body act as catalysts to help assimilate and transform food, create energy to provide for the activities of the body.


Vitamins are capable of protecting cells from attacks of infectious agents thanks to their properties against oxidation, detoxification and repair of damaged structures.


* The role of minerals in the body

For health, minerals have a similar important role as vitamins. Minerals are also involved in the structure of cells, participating in living activities and especially important in the balance of fluids, maintaining the development of bones and muscles, as well as supporting the functioning of the nervous system. business.

Like vitamins, minerals are minerals that the body cannot produce on its own. Minerals are supplied mainly through the diet. A scientific diet full of nutrients will ensure health.

Minerals include sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium or trace minerals such as iron, selenium, manganese, fluorine, copper, iodine. Each mineral has its own functional uses


4. The role of each vitamin and mineral for the body

Vitamins have many different types, apart from the general functions of vitamins, each of which plays a unique role in the body

* The role of several vitamins in the body

Vitamin B: stimulates eating, helps skin and hair shiny, especially contributes to the development of the nervous system.

Vitamin D: Along with calcium helps to stimulate the development of the skeletal system. Lack of vitamin D will cause bone and joint diseases such as rickets, arched spine, slow teething ...


* The role of vitamins and minerals in the body


Vitamin A: helps brighten eyes, fight the aging process of the body.

Vitamin E: related to skin and blood cell pathologies.

Vitamin C: slow oxidation, many applications in dermatology, have the ability to increase the strength of the vessel wall, used in the treatment of hemorrhagic diseases.

Vitamin K: is one of the important factors involved in blood clotting. Lack of vitamin K makes it difficult for blood to clot, wounds will bleed continuously.


* The role of several important minerals in common use

Magnesium: Essential for digestive system function, especially muscle contractions and nerve impulses. Magnesium is also involved in blood sugar control, blood pressure regulation, and maintenance of bone strength.

Iron: Essential for the creation of blood cells. Iron deficiency will cause anemia, hair loss, headache, dizziness.

Selenium: is a component of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase that affects all components of the immune system, affecting the development of white blood cells. Selenium deficiency causes immunosuppression, impaired white blood function, prevents metabolic disorders in the digestive system.

Zinc: stimulates the activity of enzymes, supports the immune system, protects taste; The sense of smell is involved in DNA synthesis.


* The role of vitamins and minerals in the body


Sodium: combined with chloride will help balance extracellular fluid, regulate blood pressure.

Potassium: Necessary for the central nervous system, is also involved in fluid balance in the body. When potassium levels are disturbed they can cause anxiety